Future World: an interactive digital playground

If there’s a big kid inside of you, you’ll love this new permanent exhibition at the ArtScience Museum.

Designed by teamlab, Future World brings art installations to life through visitor presence and participation.

The artworks are divided into four categories: Nature, Town, Parks and Space. These include a room full of ever blossoming and decaying flowers, an area where you can lie on beanbags and watch the impact of climate change on sea levels, a customised hopskotch, a light ball orchestra, and a 7-metre tall virtual waterfall.

The visitor-generated towns and aquariums were really fun, allowing you to sketch your own drawings and see them come to life and interact with each other.

The final installation, Crystal Universe, was my favourite by far. This artwork is created using over 170,000 LED lights which make you feel like you’re at the centre of the universe.

Stepping into the installation you can feel the hairs on your arms raising as you get absorbed into this magnificent space. As the lights respond to people’s ‘swiping’ of planets and stars, you become mesmerised by the sparkling environment around you.

If you have a spare hour, you should definitely go, kids and adults alike.

It is recommended to purchase your tickets and time slot in advance.
One exhibition for an adult is S$13-16 and for a child is S$6-9.


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